
Showing posts from November, 2017


The Big issue magazine covers Liam Gallagher The main image is of an iconic British artist mostly recognised from the famous British band called Oasis. The colour theme presented here is interesting. It cleverly encapsulates the artists features. For example the main, background colour is a light blue/turquoise shade which is a similar colour to the artists eyes. Also there are other features that match the colour scheme for example Liam's outfit featuring a bright pink raincoat jacket is a similar shade to the shade of his lips and tear ducks. The traditional colours seen in magazines, white and black are also featured in the mast head as well as the artist's name and speech text. This adds a simplistic elegance to the magazine because although the other colours featured are bright and fit with a summer season colour scheme, which indicates when the magazine was published. Also to fit the summery theme the artist appears to have a tanned completion whic...

Media Language - Codes and Conventions of Newspapers

Media Language - Codes and Conventions of Newspapers  The main noticeable differences between The Guardian and the Daily mail is their layouts. The guardian is presented as a broadsheet news paper, including the traditional codes and conventions. For example, the colonized copy (text) with a larger columns. From this we could infer that the articles in this paper have more detail on the front cover, which could also indicate that this is the same amount  in the whole paper. This could also refer to the audience demographic. it could suggest that the aimed audience are more educated, and therefore look for more depth in hard news stories. The highest percentage of readers of the guardian fall into the audience demographic category ABC1. This category includes people of high & intermediate managerial, administrative, professional occupations. This category is also described as including consumers   from   mixed economic groups ,  which consi...